A Trailblazing Project. Creating Publications within Local Schools & Communities.

Recipient of the Karma for Cara Microgrant

Ready to start?

Fill out the application below!

How to Start a Publication with Us

Dream it.

All publications begin with a mission. Maybe you want to launch a school-sponsored newspaper to inform your student body of current events. Maybe you want to start a literary magazine to support young creatives at your school. Whatever it may be, we hope to give your community a voice by building a school-affiliated publication. We’ll help you with securing funding and equip you with the training to create a successful publication. 

Build & Grow it.

You need a strong editorial team with a diverse skillset. Already gathered a group of interested individuals? Perfect. We will set a meeting time to train your team (in both the writing, editorial, and design process) and build a system that is conducive to your team’s success.

Still need to find a team? That’s fine, too! We’ll equip you with the outreach resources needed and help you find your community.

Want a copy of our “Creating and Running a Literary Magazine” Handbook?

Our project committee has developed a 31 page handbook on the fundamentals of creating and operating a literary magazine. It outlines the step-by-step process of forging a new platform in the literary world, and features specific, actionable advice that can help jumpstart your project. Looking to start a literary magazine at your school or within your community? Feel free to request our handbook by filling out this Google Form!

Meet the Project Committee

  • Ethan Liaw is an Asian-American high school student from a suburb in Texas. He is an avid writer, photographer, and tennis player. Out of his many hobbies, he has always held a deep, special passion for literature and the arts because they’ve enabled him to find meaning and purpose in himself and the reality around him. You’ll most often find his head in a book, reading, reflecting, and searching for his next adventure.

  • Anshi is a rising high school sophomore who has work published or forthcoming in eleven literary magazines such as the Eunoia Review, LEVITATE, and Mobius Lit. She has published two books, was a contributor for the Eleventh Hour anthology, and has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. She is also one of the Managing Editors for an international journal, The Teen Magazine, and an editor for Trailblazer Lit. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading while drinking (too much) coffee, listening to music, and spending time with her friends.

  • Celeste is a high school student in New England with a passion for storytelling in (almost) any medium. She loves fantasy and morally gray characters, as well as literary books. She is often found hoarding RF Kuang's books and playing the Witcher 3.

  • Kaelin David is a current student at Walnut High School. She serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of The The Trailblazer Review. Her work has been recognized by the Pulitzer Center and the Phyliss J. McCarthy Scholarship for Excellence in Writing Awards. Outside of her literary pursuits, she is the editorial team lead at Our National Conversation and oversees publication production for several youth-led organizations.